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Assurance of Learning Basics

What you need to know about the assurance of learning process.

Course-level learning goals and outcomes, which should be clearly stated in the learner's terms, must be included in every syllabus for every course taught in the Stony Brook University College of Business as part of the assurance of learning process. This practice helps students get a clear picture of what is expected of them in the course, keep on track with their learning, and at the end of the course, evaluate the sufficiency and quality of instruction aimed toward those outcomes. At the same time, well-articulated learning outcomes can help faculty frame the work they do as teachers around student learning rather than content coverage.

In addition, each program’s learning goals and outcomes must be listed and appended to the syllabi of all courses taught at the school. When syllabi draw explicit connections between course learning goals and outcomes and program learning goals and outcomes, both students and faculty see the coherence of a program’s curriculum. They are able to see how the learning in that particular course relates to the overall learning for a given degree and how individual required courses work in concert. 

All too often, students see their various courses as discrete entities with little or no relationship to each other. The inclusion of learning goals and outcomes for the course, learning goals and outcomes for the program, and a statement or table relating the two can do much to help students see this important relationship.

New to this process, or just need a refresher? Walk through it here.